The moment of truth has arrived. Although I'm a fan of both Jay (supremely) and Mary, I've read that they aren't doing too many of the classics which is a bit disappointing. "Can't Knock the Hustle" is an obvious performance, as well as "Real Love." I don't know, it ought to be dope regardless. I'm still type heated that my ticket cost $90 and I'm up in the nosebleed, but at least I'll be in there. I'll post pics tonight if they allow digi cams.
I've been going back and forth about the Kanye concert. I want to go, but the arena that they're having it in is straight suburban. In a neighborhood full of spoiled white kids. I know because when my family moved out of Brooklyn, that's where we moved to: Effin' Gwinnett County. It'll most likely be a fly ass show though (peep the stage set above, courtesy of 'Ye) so if I can cope with the annoyances of well off teenagers with backwards baseball caps and open faced golds, I may still go.
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