Sunday, July 6, 2008


So, you get it right? Time flies... On one hand I could say that a lot has happened since my last post but then again, not much has really happened. At least, nothing to really jump around about. I still haven't really gotten the chance to go out. Or if the opportunity did present itself, I didn't have the energy to put on clothes. Not even for a "grown and sexy"party, if you can imagine that [sticking out tongue]. Last night, I was home, I'd worked the morning shift, you'd think that I would have caught a cookout or a firework or some-'effin thing, but I was in the sack- conked the eff out! I'm like, senile at 25!

Anyways, I went back home on my hustle shit. The first time I went, back in the last week off May, it was freezing! COLD, like people were walking around in North Face bubbles. Then, after I came back to the A, sold all that shit, and went back the second week of June, you ain't even have to bust a brisk walk to be drenched in sweat. The world is coming to an end...

So although I did okay selling this stuff the first time, it's harder this time. Everybody's broke, or pretending to be. Who knows. I've got another month before it's time for school again and I really would like to pay the tuition and be done with it, but I think I'ma just sell the stash I've got now and save my money from work, which can be crazy hard with kicks like these down below (teasing me at one of my favorite stores in Little 5).

More tomorrow...