Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Can't Wait For This Album To Drop...

I love Luda. Everything I've heard so far offa Theatre is crazy. I haven't been this excited since like, Chicken and Beer. I mean, don't get me wrong, I always felt that he was dope: it's like 'lackluster' for Ludacris, is still pretty damn good. I can't even officially say 'lackluster' referring to his recent projects, 'different' would be a better word to use. Peep him and Ninth in the studio doing the Spike Lee Joint! BK stand up!


Anonymous said...

9th is one of the best! EASY!

Nadine G. said...

I'm telling you... Ninth is the absolute truth and he's still CRAZY young! Epic beats excite me. LOL.

Anonymous said...

epic! i likes...epic SOULFUL beats!